Sunday, March 11, 2007


Just got back from Lövånger where we were on "Phösar-utbildning" all weekend. Was soooo funny! The first thing we did was to get to know eachother. But ofcourse we couldn't just stand up and tell the others, we had to paint it! So we got a paper and some crayons each and strated painting so that we later on could show eachother our sooo nice pictures while we talked about ourselves and a few other things.
hmm... I really can't remember all things we did...

Anyways, next day! a few ppl were there to talk about alcohol and teambuilding thinggys. After the alcohol thinggy we tried what it feels like to be drunk haha! We had to wear some weird glasses that made the world around you look like... ehm... you're drunk (see pic, very sexy outfit I have to say haha). That was probably the funniest thing we did =P Was sooo not easy to walk on a line, carry a chair, walk in stairs and write something on a nollebricka.

After dinner it was time to do our spex infront of the others. The words my group got was ehm... weird!

- plaskirurg
- tämligen
- "flyg buss"
- fostervatten
- konspirationsteori

was so much fun to see all the other groups! Tuss, Kokos, Flufen and Em was defo the funniest!!

Did some more things but I'm bored of writeing now so...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jag borde få testa dem där glasögonen för jag har aldrig varit full.