Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Not much but...

...atleast he got mentioned in swedish press!

Kristoffer Berntsson kom på 15:e plats i kvalet i det korta fria programmet. Göterborgaren fick 66.09 poäng och det gav en finalplats i konståknings-VM i Tokyo.
Berntsson körde ett bra program satte sina hopp. Han klarade en trippel-dubbel kombination och en trippel axel. Europamästaren Brian Joubert från Frankrike leder efter kvalet. 24 åkare får vara med i finalen.

He did all his things, the jumps wasn't great (apart from the trippel axel which was really good!) but he did them! And the choreography is amazing!! I like it better and better every time! Definatley worth watching!

My absolute fave skater, Stephane Lambiel, didn't skate as good as he usually does but he's in 6th place so if he does a good freeprogram he could win... hopefully! But on the other hand, Brian Joubert skated amazingly good!! So I actually think he will win tomorrow but we'll see...

Niklas Hogner and Angelika Pylkina skated their freeprogram a few hours ago and will probably end in 17th place! Well done ;)

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