Wednesday, May 16, 2007

All or nothing? maybe...

This time I'll write parts of the blog in Swedish (for the simple reason that the text can't be translated into english without sounding like total crap)

Jag och Lisa har i eftermiddag haft högläsning (jag läste, Lisa lyssnade) ur Thulen. Vilket gav många skratt =P Pricken över i var den korta men ooh så roliga texten om när man ska ta en sup (se nedanför):

Sup må endast tagas till fisk.
Såsom fisk räknas allt utom pankaka och ölsupa.
Finnes icke fisk å bordet, tages sup till grannens fisk.
Finnes fisk ej heller å detta bord, tages sup äfwen till pannkaka.
Hwad som här sagts om pankaka gäller äfwen ölsupa.

Now to the english part =P

Have loads to do at school at the moment. Or actually, not at school cause we can do everything at home but it's still alot!! And ofcourse, when we have this much to do I get sick... I'm not too bad but if I didn't have to get up in the morning I certainly wouldn't!

Tomorrow's my 21st birthday... getting older (obviously). A few friends are coming over to eat cake (if I don't feel even worse tomorrow that is) =) Hmm, well, I don't have much to say really... should get back to either studying or washing up (can't decide what is more fun)!

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